Lou Ann Forbes

READ MORE - The 6 Changing Days of Hortensia Rose
Who reads a story book written by A DOG?
Precocious children and imaginative adults. Could that be you (or someone you know)?
Lou Ann Forbes

Clementine & Jan
The scarf measures 33” x 4 3/4”, the intent is to evoke the subtle impact that is felt over and over when experiencing all of the aspects of adopting a senior dog. Certainly this direction is not for everyone , but “Clementine & Jan” is a celebration of those who do.-Lou Ann I hope it inspires as many as possible to donate, foster, adopt, volunteer and/or support all animals, shelters and rescues, particularly seniors, who seem to get discarded at the end of their lives when they need us the most. I also hope it inspires everyone to show compassion...
Lou Ann Forbes

Annie: On Aging and Compassion
a tale worth sharing……… How many of us have heard or witnessed the old dog, bewildered face and sad posture searching for the human that dropped them off? Despite the variety of excuses, the script is all too familiar, the result is always the same: they will not be back to retrieve their companion animal. Here is an example of the scenario we all would wish for: THE REQUEST On June 7 I received a request from a gentleman who asked if I would get him a bigger bottle of Calm-a-Mile RTU. He already had been using a medium Sniff-it...
Lou Ann Forbes
Kentucky Hounds
They step cautiously from their transport crates, lungs filling with midwest air. More heart soul and spirit than can be imagined, the hounds navigate as best they can toward the second part of their lives. Authentic dogs--at most, days from their old haunts. Capable dogs accustomed to the hunt: baying, chasing, and able to hold prey for their hunter’s shot. Unquestioned loyalty, content in their pack, the dogs give their all. Sometimes, they do not receive all they need in return. When, for whatever reason, the dog cannot continue, it is eliminated from the pack. It is at this point...
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